What to Expect
We’ve created this helpful guide of what to expect during your first visit to our Chiropractor! Please note: You do not need to see our chiropractor to visit our spa! We’ve also included expected amounts of time for each step.
After booking your initial visit, you will receive a welcome email and intake form. Your intake form can be completed electronically on your phone, tablet, or computer. By filling out your intake form prior to arrival, it will save a lot of time at your appointment!
Arrival | 5 minutes
Upon arrival, our receptionist will get you checked in and get a copy of your driver’s license. While waiting, feel free to browse our lobby. We strive to make sure our wait times are very short.
History & Examination | 10-20 minutes
You will be escorted by one of our fantastic assistants to an exam room. Either a trained assistant or a Chiropractor will ask you questions related to your complaint(s) to help develop a treatment plan. An examination will be performed which usually includes: general ranges of motion, palpation (feeling the area of complaint and surrounding areas, if necessary), and any other necessary tests depending on complaint(s).
Treatment Plan | 5 minutes
After the history and examination, our Chiropractor will discuss the findings during examination and develop a treatment plan. During this time, the Chiropractor will discuss pricing, treatment options, expected outcomes, and expected length of treatment plan.
Treatment | 10-30 minutes
Treatment is usually performed on the same day as the initial visit.
Total Initial Visit Time: 30-60 minutes